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  • Richard Domenech

How much does planning permission cost 2023?

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

If you're planning to make changes to your property, you may need planning permission from your local council to approve the design. How much does planning permission cost in 2023?

Planning Permission cost 2023?
Planning Permission cost 2023?

The answer to this question is not straightforward, as the cost of planning permission can vary depending on several factors, including the type and scale of the project, the location of the property, and the council you're applying to.

Below is a table on How much does planning permission cost in 2023?

Application type

Residential development

What this includes



Alterations and extensions to a single home, including works with the boundary



Alterations and extensions to two or more homes or flats



​Creation of 50 or fewer new homes

£462 for each home


​Creation of more than 50 new homes

​£22,859 flat fee plus £138 for each new home

Non-residential development


Up to 40sqm increase in gross floor space



​Between 41sqm and 75sqm increase in gross floor space


​Minor (up to 1,000sqm)Major (over 1,000sqm)

Between 76sqm and 3,750sqm increase in gross floor space

£462 for each 75sqm


More than 3,750sqm increase in gross floor space

£22,859 base rate, plus £138 for each additional 75sqm with a maximum fee of £300,000


Advertisement consent

Relating to a business on the premises


Advertisement consent

​Advance signs which are not situated on or visible from the site, directing the public to a business


Lawful Development Certificates

Lawful development certificate

​Householder works


​Lawful development certificate

​Proposed use or operation

Half the normal fee for the development type

Lawful development certificate

​Existing use or operation

​Same as full fee for the development type

​Lawful development certificate

​Existing use of operation – lawful not to comply with any condition or limitation


Non-material amendments


​Non-material amendment to a householder application following grant of planning permission



​Any other non-material amendment to an application following grant of planning permission


Planning conditions

All application types

​Removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission (including material amendments)



​Discharge of a planning condition


All other application types (not including householder)

​Discharge of a planning condition


Reserved matters

Outline approval

Approval of reserved matters following outline approval

Full fee due or if full fee already paid then £462 due

Prior approval

Prior approval

​Fee rate includes: • larger home extensions • additional storeys on a home • demolition of buildings • changes of use from Class E, or Betting Office or Pay Day Loan Shop, to mixed use including up to two flats • change of use of a building and land from Classes E, C1, C2, or C2A to a State Funded School • development consisting of the erection or construction of a collection facility within the curtilage of a shop • installation, alteration or replacement of other Solar Photovoltaics (PV), on the roofs of non-domestic buildings, up to a capacity of 1 megawatt


Prior approval

Fee rate includes: • change of Use of Agricultural Building to a Dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) • change of Use of a building from retail or a mixed Retail and residential Use, to a use falling within Use Class C3 (Dwellinghouse) • change of Use from Amusement Arcades/Centres and Casinos, (Sui Generis Uses) and any land within its curtilage to Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) • change of Use from Shops (Use Class A1), Financial and Professional Services (Use Class A2), Betting Offices, Pay Day Loan Shops and Casinos (Sui Generis Uses) to Restaurants and Cafés (Use Class A3)

£206 if it includes building operations in connection with the change of use

​Prior approval

​Communications (previously referred to as ‘Telecommunications Code Systems Operators’)


Prior approval

Change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from Commercial/Business/Service (Use Class E) to dwellinghouses (Use Class C3)

£100 for each home


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